At Nu Lyfe Trucking We Provide...
a staff that is dedicated to providing the most professional logistical advice in the industry. At Nu Lyfe Trucking, we are an extension of our customers. Knowing this, our staff is dedicated to reducing per-diem and demurrage charges, observing last free days, and making important shipping cut-offs. By partnering with NLT, you can be assured that these critical success factors will be met. All Nu Lyfe Trucking drivers have a Transportation Workers Identification Card (TWIC)
Intermodal Trucking (TWIC )
We service the following areas:
• New Jersey
• Delaware
• Maryland
• Central Pennsylvania
• East, West Virginia (eastern part of the state)
• Northern Virginia Richmond.
• Other over the roads lanes
We offer transportation for a wide variety of freight, including:
• General Freight
• Retail Paper & Paper Products
• Foodstuff
• Lumber
• Beverages
• Steel
• Alcoholic Beverages (Permitted in NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA, NC, SC)